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POUND, Ezra (1885-1972) パウンド | ||
A Books by Ezra Pound | ||
39000 | A QUINZAINE FOR THIS YULE. UP. of Virginia. Reprinted of Pollock, 1908, limited to 500 copies, o/w, a good copy. 1984 | 4,500 |
39001 | A LUME SPENTO. New Directions. First New Directions copy, pictorial boards, blue cloth spine, lettered in gilt, 128pp, a clean copy. 1965 | 4,500 |
39002 | THE SPIRIT OF ROMANCE. Peter Owen. Third impression revised edition, dust jacket, 248pp. 1960 | 2,500 |
39003 | GAUDIER-BRZESKA: Including the Published Writings of the Sculptor and a Selection from His Letters. London: Laidlaw & Laidlaw. English re-issue edition, green cloth, lettered in gilt, uncut copy, 4to, clean copy. 1939 [Gallup A10c] | 35,000 |
39004 | GAUDIER-BRZESKA: A Memoir. Marvell Press. First Marvell edition, dust jacket, brown cloth, 147pp+xxx, 8vo, a clean copy. 1960 | 3,500 |
39005 | THE NATURAL PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE. By Remy de Gourmont. NY:Boni & Liveright. First edition, green cloth, 222pp, 8vo. 1922 [Gallup A22a] | 9,500 |
39006 | THE NATURAL PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE. By Remy de Gourmont. London: Casanova Society. First UK.edition, limited to 1500 numbered copies, No.378, grey boards, blue cloth spine, lettered in gilt, 4to, clean copy. 1926 [Gallup A22b] | 15,000 |
39008 | INDISCRETIONS; Or Une Revue de Deux Mondes. Paris:Three Mountains Press.
First edition, limited to 300 copies on hand-made paper, all edges untrimmed.
This copy is unbound edition, 8 folio sheets,fine,very rare. 1923 ※本書は [Gallup A23] に相当するが製本以前の二つ折り判未製本版 珍品 |
80,000 |
39009 | SELECTED POEMS. Ed.by T.S.Eliot. Faber. Fourth impression,dust jacket. 1961 | 2,500 |
39010 | PERSONAE: The Collected Shorter Poems. New Directions. Later printing, dust jacket, xiv+281pp,8vo. 1971 | 1,500 |
39011 | PERSONAE: The Collected Shorter Poems. Faber. First edition, dust jacket, red cloth, gilt lettered on spine, a clean copy. 1952 | 9,000 |
39012 | PERSONAE: The Collected Shorter Poems. Faber. First edition. 1952 | 2,500 |
39013 | PERSONAE: The Collected Shorter Poems. Faber. Second impression, dust jacket, 287pp,8vo,a good copy. 1961 | 2,500 |
39014 | ABC OF READING. London:George Routledge. First edition, first printing, red cloth, gilt lettered on spine, xii+197pp, small 8vo. 1934 [Gallup A35a] | 12,000 |
39015 | POLITE ESSAYS. Faber. First edition,dust jacket,red cloth,lettered in gilt on spine, a clean copy. 1937 [Gallup A42a] | 25,000 |
39016 | GUIDE TO KULCHUR.. Peter Owen. dust jacket, 379pp. 1966 | 1,500 |
39017 | SEVENTY CANTOS. Faber. First UK.collected edition(1-71), dust jacket, 447pp,8vo,a clean copy. 1950 [Gallup A61b] |
3,500 |
39018 | THE CANTOS.(1-84). Faber. First UK.edition, dust jacket, black cloth, gilt lettered on spine, 576pp, with a errata. 1954 | 15,000 |
39019 | THE LETTERS OF EZRA POUND 1907-1941. Faber. First edition, red cloth, lettered in gilt,464pp,a clean copy. 1951 [Gallup A64b] | 4,500 |
39020 | COLLECTED SHORTER POEMS. Faber. dust jacket, 297pp. 1973 | 1,500 |
39021 | CONFUCIAN ANALECTS. Peter Owen. First UK.edition, dust jacket, a fine copy. 1956 [Gallup A65b] | 4,500 |
39021 | LITERARY ESSAYS. Ed.by T.S.Eliot. Faber. First ed,original cloth. 1954 [G.A67a] | 3,500 |
39022 | SECTION: Rock-Drill 85-95.: De Los Cantares. Faber. First UK.edition, dust jacket, black cloth,lettered in gilt,good copy. 1957 [Gallup A70c] | 6,500 |
39023 | PAVANNES AND DIVAGATIONS. New Directions. First edition, dust jacket, brown cloth,xi+243pp. 1958 [Gallup A74a] | 4,500 |
39024 | THRONES 96-109: De Los Cantares. New Directions. First US.edition, pictorial dust jacket,black cloth,lettered in silver on spine,clean copy. 1959 [Gallup A77b] | 4,500 |
39026 | EP TO LU: Nine Letters Written to Louis Untermeyer. Ed.by J.A.Robbins. Indiana UP. First edition,original paper boards,clean copy. 1963 [Gallup A81] | 4,500 |
39027 | CANTO CX. Cambridge,Mass.:As Sextant Press by G.Davenport and L.Scott. Printed as a Present for Ezra Pound on His Eightieth Birthday. First edition, limited to 80 numbered copies,This copy is Unique Proof Edition, original orange wrappers, all edges untrimmed, 300x200mm, fine copy. 1965 [Gallup A85] | 180,000 |
39028 | DRAFTS & FRAGMENTS OF CANTOS CX-CXVII. Faber. First UK.edition, dust jacket, 32pp,8vo, a good copy. 1970 [Gallup A91b] | 2,500 |
39029 | CERTAIN RADIO SPEECHES. Ed.by W.Levy. Cold Turkey Press. p/b, 4to. 1975 | 4,500 |
39030 | SELECTED POEMS. Ed.by T.S.Eliot. Faber. Fourth impression,dust jacket. 1961 | 2,500 |
39031 | SELECTED PROSE 1909-1965. Ed.by W.Cookson. Faber. First edition, dust jacket, 444pp, a clean copy. 1973 [G.A93a] | 2,800 |
39032 | COLLECTED EARLY POEMS EZRA POUND. Ed.by M.J.King. Intro.by L.L.Martz. New Directions. First edition, dust jacket, xxii+330pp,fine. 1976 [G.A98a] | 2,800 |
39033 | COLLECTED EARLY POEMS EZRA POUND. Ed.by M.J.King. Intro.by L.L.Martz. Faber. First UK.edition, dust jacket, xxii+330pp, a clean copy. 1977 [G.A98b] | 2,500 |
39034 | EZRA POUND AND MUSIC:The Complete Criticism. Ed.by R.M.Schafer. New Directions. First edition, dust jacket, xiii+530pp, large 8vo,fine. 1977 [G.A99a] | 4,500 |
39035 | EZRA POUND AND MUSIC:The Complete Criticism. Ed.by R.M.Schafer. Faber. First UK.edition, dust jacket, xiii+530pp, large 8vo,fine. 1978 [Gallup A99b] | 3,500 |
39036 | POUND / JOYCE: The Letters Of Ezra Pound to James Joyce, with Pound's Essays on Joyce. New Directions. p/b, vi+314pp. 1970 | 1,500 |
39037 | EZRA POUND / LETTERS / JOHN THEOBALD. Ed.by D.Pearce and H. Schneidau. Black Swan Books. First ed, dust jacket, ix+161pp, a fine copy. 1984 | 3,500 |
39038 | LETTERS TO IBBOTSON 1935-1952. Ed.by V. I. Mondolfo and M. Hurtley. U. of Maine. First ed, limited to 400 copies, dust jacket, 145pp, a clean copy. 1979 | 7,500 |
39039 | POUND / THE LITTLE REVIEW: The Letters of Ezra Pound to Margaret Anderson; The Little Review Correspondence. Ed.by T. L, Scott, et al. New Directions. First edition, dust jacket, xxxiv+368p, large 8vo, a clean copy. 1988 | 7,500 |
39040 | EZRA POUND AND DOROTHY SHAKESPEAR: Their Letters 1909-1914. Ed.by O. Pound and A. W. Lits. New Directions Book. dust jacket, xv+399pp, large 8vo. 1984 | 7,500 |
39041 | POUND, THAYER, WATSON AND THE DIAL: A Story in Letters Ed.by W. Sutton. U.P. of Florida. dust jacket, xxx+383pp, large 8vo. 1994 | 7,500 |
39042 | THE CORRESPONDENCE OF EZRA POUND: Pound / Zukofsky: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and Louis Zukofsky. Ed.by B.Ahearn. New Directions. First edition, dust jacket, xxiv+255p, large 8vo, a good copy. 1987 | 4,500 |
39043 | THE CORRESPONDENCE OF EZRA POUND: Pound / Zukofsky: Selected Letters of Ezra Pound and Louis Zukofsky. Ed.by B.Ahearn. Faber. First UK.edition, dust jacket, xxiv+255p, large 8vo, a good copy. 1987 | 3,800 |
39044 | EZRA POUND AND MARGARET CRAVENS: A Tragic Friendship 1910-1912. Ed.by O.Pound & R.Spoo. Duke UP. First edition, dust jacket, xvii+181pp. 1988 | 3,800 |
39045 | POUND / FORD: The Story of a Literary Friendship. Ed.by B. Lindberg- Seyersted.. Faber. xxiv+222pp, large 8vo. 1982 | 2,500 |
39046 | EZRA POUND AND JAPAN: Letters and Essays. Ed.by S. Kodama. Black Swan Books. First edition, dust jacket, xvi+249pp, large 8vo. 1987 | 4,500 |
39047 | EZRA POUND AND DOROTHY SHAKESPEAR: Their Letters 1909-1914. Ed.by O. Pound and A. W. Lits. New Directions Book. dust jacket, xvi+249pp, large 8vo. 1987 | 4,500 |
39048 | POUND / CUMMINGS: The Correspondence of Ezra Pound and E.E. Commings. Ed. by B. Ahearn. Michigan Press. dust jacket, xii+442pp, large 8vo. 1996 | 8,500 |
39049 | ELEKTRA. With by R.Fleming. Ed.by R.Reid. Princeton UP. First edition, dust jacket, xxiii+103pp. 1989 | 2,500 |
39052 | IMPACT: Essays on Ignorance and the Decline of American Civilization: Ed.by N. Stock. Henry Regnery. First edition, dust jacket, xviii+285pp. 1960 | 3,500 |
39053 | ANTHEIL AND THE TREATISE ON HARMONY. Intro. by N. Rorem. Da Capo Press. First Da Capo edition, dust jacket, 150pp. 1968 | 2,500 |
39054 | EZRA POUND SPEAKING: Radio Speeches of World War II: Ed.by L. W. Doob. Greenwood Press. xv+465pp, large 8vo. 1978 | 7,500 |
39055 | A WALKING TOUR IN SOUTHERN FRANCE: Among the Troubadours. Ed.by R. Sieburth. New Directions. dust jacket, xxi+123pp, large 8vo. 1992 | 2,500 |
39056 | CAT AND SALAMANDER: A Tale in Six Captions. Illustrated by Boris de Rachewiltz. Reicheneck: Aldus-Presse. Limited to 222 copies, o/w, folio,good. 1993 | 6,800 |
B Books with Contributions by Ezra Pound | ||
39060 | THE NEWARK ANNIVERSARY POEMS: Winners in the Poetry Competition NY: Laurence J.Gomme. First edition, green boards, white silk spine, lettered in gold on front cover and spine, top edge gilt, other edges untrimmed, xiii+187pp, a good copy. 1917 [Gallup B16] | 65,000 |
39061 | A NEW ANTHOLOGY OF MODERN VERSE. Ed.by S.Rodman. Random House. First edition, dust jacket, 448pp,8vo, a good copy. 1938 | 7,500 |
39062 | LA MARTINELLI.(Intro.) Milan. Ed.by V.Scheiwiller. First edition, limited to 500 numbered copies, dust jacket, 32mo, good copy. 1956 [Gallup B56] | 12,000 |
39063 | THE ARMCHAIR ESQUIRE. Ed.by A.Gingrich and L.R.Hills. NY:G.P.Putnams. First edition, dust jacket,354+24pp,8vo,good copy. 1958 [Gallup B63] | 3,500 |
39064 | THE WASTE LAND: A Facsimile and Transcript of the Original Drafts Including the Annotations of Ezra Pound. By T.S.Eliot. Ed.by V.Eliot. Faber. First edition, dust jacket, xxx+149pp,4to,good copy. 1971 [Gallup B107a] | 15,000 |
39065 | AND I REMEMBER SPAIN: A Spanish Civil War Anthology. Ed.by M.A.Sperber. Hart-Davis. First edition,dust jacket,a good copy. 1974 | 2,500 |
C Contributions by Ezra Pound to Periodicals | ||
39070 | POETRY. Vol.8;No.4. "Poems Old and New". 1916 [Gallup C234] | 7,500 |
39071 | THE EGOIST: An Individualist Review. Vol.1:No.1.-Vol.6:No.5. 74 issues in 6 vols.set. 1914-1919. Kraus Reprint. Paper bound,4to. 1967 | 75,000 |
39072 | THE EGOIST: An Individualist Review. Vol.1:No.1.-Vol.2:No.12. 36 issues in 2 vols. 1914-1915. Kraus Reprint. Paper bound,4to. 1967 | 25,000 |
39073 | POETRY. Vol.13;No.6. "Poems from the Propertius". 1919 [Gallup C449] | 4,500 |
39074 | POETRY. Vol.17;No.6. "Thames Morasses". 1921 [Gallup C619] | 4,500 |
39075 | THE TRANSATLANTIC REVIEW. Vol.1;No.1.-Vol.2;No.6. 12 issues. Paris. Ed.by Ford Madox Ford. A Complete Set,very scarce,good set. 1924 [G.C655-] | Sold |
39076 | THIS QUARTER. Vol.1;No.1.-Vol.4;No.4. 18 issues in 5 vols.set. Paris. Ed.by E.Walsh and E.Moorhead. A Complete Set,very scarce. 1925-31 [Gallup C680-] Contributions by Pound,Joyce,Williams,Hemingway,et al. | Sold |
39077 | POETRY. Vol.26;No.6. "Mr. Dunning's Poetry". 1925 [Gallup C681] | 4,500 |
39073 | THE SATURDAY REVIEW OF LITERATURE. Vol.4;21. "Upward" 1927 [C699a] | 9,500 |
39079 | THE DIAL.Vol.84:No.2. "Canto XXII" 1928 [G.C702] Lacking on the front cover. | 2,500 |
39080 | THE CRITERION. Vol.9;35. "Horace" 1930 [Gallup C756] | 2,500 |
39081 | THE CRITERION. Vol.9;36. "Epstein,Belgion and Meaning" 1930 [Gallup C766] | 2,500 |
39082 | THE CRITERION. Vol.11;45. "Harold Monro" 1932 [Gallup C866] | 2,500 |
39083 | POETRY. Vol.41;No.1. "Manifesto". 1932 [Gallup C880] | 4,500 |
39084 | THE DELPHIAN QUARTERY. Vol.20;3. "Cross-Words an Abomitation: A Letter from Ezra Pound" 1937 [Gallup C1412] | 5,800 |
39085 | THE CRITERION. Vol.17;69. "Mang Tsze" 1938 [Gallup C1460] | 2,500 |
39086 | POETRY. Vol.52;No.6. "Another Chance". 1938 [Gallup C1472] | 4,500 |
39088 | THE CRITERION. Vol.18;71. "Rene Crevel" 1939 [Gallup C1490] | 2,500 |
39090 | THE HUDSON REVIEW. Vol.7:No.4. "Canto 85" 1955 | 2,500 |
D Transrations | ||
39091 | LES CAHIES DE L' HERNE. 2 vols.set. Paris:Editions de L'Herne. First edition, 328pp+12pp+ 719pp+16pp, original wrappers, 4to. 1965 | 25,000 |
39092 | LES CANTOS PISANS. Trans.by D.Roche. Paris:Editions de L'Herne. First French edition, original wrappers, small 4to. 1965 | 4,500 |
39093 | ABC. de la lecture. Trans.by D.Roche. Paris:Editions de L'Herne. First French edition, original wrappers, small 4to, a fine copy. 1966 [Gallup D12b] | 4,500 |
E Books and Booklets about Ezra Pound | ||
39100 | ACKROYD, P.] EZRA POUND AND HIS WORLD. Thames & Hudson. with 111 illustrations, 4to. 1980 | 1,500 |
39101 | ALEXANDER, M.] THE POETIC ACHIVEMENT OF EZRA POUND. California Press. 247pp,8vo. 1979 | 3,500 |
39102 | AMDUR, A.S.] THE POETRY OF EZRA POUND. Russell. 106pp. 1966 | 1,000 |
39103 | ANDERSON, D.] POUND'S CAVALCANTI: An Edition of the Translations, Notes aad Essays. Princeton UP. dust jacket, xxxvi+297pp, 8vo. 1983 | 3,500 |
39104 | BACIGALUPO, M.] THE FORMED TRACE: The Later Poetry of Ezra Pound. Columbia UP. dust jacket, xviii+512pp, large 8vo. 1980 | 4,500 |
39105 | BAUMANN, W.] THE ROSE IN THE STEEL DUST: An Exmination of the Cantos of Ezra Pound. Miami Press. dust jacket, 211pp, 8vo. 1970 | 1,500 |
39106 | BELL, I.F.A.(Ed.)] EZRA POUND:Tactics for Reading. Vision Press. d/j,248pp. 1982 | 3,500 |
39107 | BERNSTEIN, M.] THE TALE OF THE TRIBE: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic. Princeton UP. dust jacket,ix+320pp. 1980 | 2,800 |
39108 | BERNSTEIN, M.] THE TALE OF THE TRIBE: Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic. Princeton UP. p/b, ix+320pp. 1980 | 1,500 |
39109 | BERRYMAN, J. B.] CIRCE'S CRAFT: Ezra Pound's Hugh Selwyn Mauberley. Umi Research Press. xii+245pp, large 8vo. 1983 | 3,500 |
39110 | BLOOM, H.(Ed.)] EZRA POUND. Modern Critical Views. Chelsea House. dust jacket, viii+234pp,large 8vo. 1987 | 3,500 |
39111 | BORNSTEIN, G.(Ed.)] EZRA POUND. Among the Poets. Chicago Press. dust jacket, xiii+238pp, 8vo. 1985 | 2,500 |
39112 | BROOKER, P.] A STUDENT'S GUIDE TO THE EZRA POUND. Faber. dust jacket, 367pp. 1979 | 2,500 |
39113 | BROOKE-ROSE, C.] A ZBC OF EZRA POUND. Faber. dust jacket, x+297pp. 1971 | 3,500 |
39115 | BUSH, R.] THE GENESIS OF EZRA POUND'S CANTOS. Princeton UP. dust jacket, xiv+332pp. 1976 | 2,500 |
39116 | BUSH, R.] THE GENESIS OF EZRA POUND'S CANTOS. Princeton UP. p/b, xiv+332pp. 1989 | 1,000 |
39117 | CHACE, W. M.] THE POLITICAL IDENTITIES OF EZRA POUND AND T. S. ELIOT. Stanford UP. xviii+238pp. 1973 | 1,800 |
39118 | CORNELL, J.] THE TRIAL OF EZRA POUND: A Documented Account of the Treason Case by the Defendant's Lawyer. John Day. d/j,ix+216pp. 1966 | 4,800 |
39119 | CRAIG, C.] YEATS, ELIOT, POUND AND THE POLITICS OF POETRY: Rechest to the Richest. London:Croom Helm. dust jacket,xi+323pp. 1982 | 4,500 |
39220 | DAVENPORT, G.] CITIES ON HILLS: A Studt of I-XXX of Ezra Pound's Cantos. Umi Research Press. o/w, xviii+275pp, large 8vo. 1983 | 4,500 |
39121 | DAVIDSON, P.] EZRA POUND AND ROMAN POETRY: A Preliminary Survey. Amsterdam. p/b, xvi+167pp, large 8vo. 1995 | 2,500 |
39122 | DAVIE, D.] STUDIES IN EZRA POUND: Chronicles and Polemic. Carcanet Press. dust jacket, 388pp, 8vo. 1991 | 3,500 |
39123 | D'EPIRO, P.] A TOUCH OF RHETORIC: Ezra Pound's Malatesta Cantos. Umi Reserch Press. xxiii+158pp, large 8vo. 1981 | 2,500 |
39124 | DEKKER, G.] SAILING AFTER KNOWLEDGE: The Cantos of Ezra Pound. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xvi+207pp,8vo. 1963 | 2,500 |
39125 | DEMBO, L. S.] THE CONFUCIAN ODES OF EZRA POUND: A Critical Appraisal. dust jacket, 111pp, 8vo. 1963 | 1,500 |
39126 | DUFFEY, B.] POETRY IN AMERICA: Expression and Its Values in the Times of Bryant, Whitman, and Pound. Duke UP. dust jacket, xiv+358pp,large 8vo. 1978 | 6,800 |
39127 | DURANT, A.] EZRA POUND, IDENTITY IN CRISIS: A Fundamental Ressessment of the Poet and His Work. Harvester Press. d/j,x+206pp. 1981 | 3,500 |
39128 | DURANT, A.] EZRA POUND, IDENTITY IN CRISIS: A Fundamental Ressessment of the Poet and His Work. Harvester Press. p/b,x+206pp. 1981 | 1,500 |
39129 | EASTMAN, B.] EZRA POUND'S CANTOS: The Story of the Text 1948-1975. Intro. by H. Kenner. U. of Maine. limited to 400 copies, d/j, xix+141pp. 1979 | 4,500 |
39130 | EMERY, C.] IDEAS INTO ACTION: A Study of Pound's Cantos. Miami Press. dust jacket, xi+195pp, some lines on the text. 1969 | 1,500 |
30231 | ESPEY, J. J.] EZRA POUND'S MAUBERLEY: A Study in Composision. Faber. dust jacket, 139pp, 8vo. 1955 | 2,500 |
39132 | FLORY, W. S.] EZRA POUND AND CANTOS: A Record of Struggle. Yale UP. dust jacket, xv+321pp, large 8vo. 1980 | 4,500 |
39133 | FLORY, W. S.] THE AMERICAN EZRA POUND. Yale UP. dust jacket, xi+246pp, large 8vo. 1989 | 3,500 |
39134 | FROULA, C.] TO WRITE PARADISE: Style and Error in Pound's Cantos. Yale UP. dust jacket,xiii+205pp,large 8vo. 1984 | 3,500 |
39135 | GALLUP, D.] A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EZRA POUND. London:Rupert Hart-Davis. First edition, dust jacket,454pp,8vo. 1963 | 3,500 |
39136 | GALLUP, D.] EZRA POUND: A Bibliography. UP.of Virginia. d/j,xiv+548pp. 1983 | 8,000 |
39137 | GIBSON, A.(Ed.)] POUND IN MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVE: A Collection of Critical Essay. Macmillan. dust jacket,viii+256pp. 1993 | 3,800 |
39138 | GIBSON, M.E.] EPIC REINVENTED: Ezra Pound and the Victorians. Cornell UP. dust jacket, xxi+240pp, large 8vo. 1995 | 4,800 |
39139 | GOODWIN, K.L.] THE INFLUENCE OF EZRA POUND. Oxford UP. dust jacket, xvi+230p. 1966 | 3,500 |
39140 | GROVER, P. (Ed.)] EZRA POUND: The London Years: 1908-1920. Ams Press. dust jacket, xvi+166pp+26pp, large 8vo. 1978 | 4,500 |
39142 | HEYMANN, C.D.] EZRA POUND: The Last Rower. Faber. dust jacket, xii+372p, large 8vo. 1976 | 4,500 |
39143 | HOFFMAN, D.(Ed.)] EZRA POUND AND WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS: The University of Pennsylvania Conference Papers. :Pennsylvania Press. dust jacket, xx+247pp, large 8vo. 1983 | 3,500 |
39144 | HOMBERGER, E.(Ed.)] EZRA POUND: The Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket, xix+500pp,8vo. 1972 | 3,800 |
39145 | HOOLEY, D. M. ] THE CLASSICS IN PARAPHRASE: Ezra Pound and Modern Translators of Latin Poetry. Susquehanna UP. d/j, 146pp, large 8vo. 1988 | 3,800 |
39146 | HUTCHINS, P.] EZRA POUND'S KENSINGTON: An Exploration 1885-1913. Faber. dust jacket, 180pp, 8vo. 1965 | 2,500 |
39147 | JACKSON, T. H.] THE EARLY POETRY OF EZRA POUND. Harvard UP. dust jacket, ix+261pp, 8vo. 1968 | 3,500 |
39148 | JUAN, E. San(Ed.)] CRITICS ON EZRA POUND. Miami Press. 128pp. 1972 | 1,500 |
39149 | JUHASZ, S.] METAPHOR AND THE POETRY OF WILLIAMS, POUND AND STEVENS. Bucknell UP. dust jacket,292pp. 1974 | 3,800 |
39150 | KAYE, J.(Ed.)] EZRA POUND AND AMERICA. Macmillan. d/j,xii+203pp. 1992 | 3,500 |
39151 |
KEARNS, G.] THE CANTOS. Cambridge UP. p/b,xv+118pp. 1989 | 1,000 |
39152 | KENNER, H.] THE POETRY OF EZRA POUND. Faber. First ed,d/j,342pp. 1951 | 4,800 |
39154 | KENNER, H.] THE POUND ERA. California Press. p/b,xiv+606pplarge 8vo. 1974 | 2,000 |
39158 | LANDER, J.] EZRA POUND. Frederick Ungar. dust jacket, 122pp. 1971 | 1,000 |
39159 | LANE, Gary] A CONCORDANCE TO PERSONAE: The Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound. Haskell House. x+546pp,8vo. 1972 | 4,500 |
39160 | LAUGHLIN, J.] POUND AS WUS: Essays and Lectures on Ezra Pound. Intro. by H. Kenner. p/b, xii+203pp, large 8vo. 1987 | 1,000 |
39161 | LEAVIS, F.R.] HOW TO TEACH READING: A Primer for Ezra Pound. Cambridge: Minority Press. First edition,iii+49pp,8vo,a clean copy. 1932 | 2,500 |
39162 | LONGENBACH, J.] STONE COTTAGE: Pound, Yeats and Modernism. Oxford UP. dust jacket, xviii+329pp. 1988 | 3,500 |
39163 | MacLEISH, A.] POETRY AND OPINION: The Pisan Cantos of Ezra Pound. A Dialog on the Role of Poetry. Illinois Press. First ed,dust jacket,good. 1950 | 4,500 |
39164 | McDOUGAL, S.Y.] EZRA POUND AND THE TROUBADOUR TRADITION. Princeton UP. dust jacket,ix+159pp. 1972 | 2,500 |
39165 | MAKIN, P.] PROVENCE AND POUND. California Press. dust jacket,xiv+428pp, large 8vo. 1978 | 3,500 |
39166 | MAKIN, P.] POUND'S CANTOS. Johns Hopkins UP. p/b, xiii+331pp. 1985 | 1,800 |
39168 | MIYAKE, A./KODAMA, S./TEELE, N.(Ed.)] A GUIDE TO EZRA POUND AND ERNEST FENOLLOSA'S CLASSIC NOH THEATRE OF JAPAN. National Poetry Foundation & Ezra Pound Society of Japan. p/b,lvi+453pp,large 8vo. 1994 | 4,500 |
39169 | NADEL, I. B.(Ed.)] THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO EZRA POUND: Cambridge UP. p/b, xxxi+317pp, large 8vo. 1999 | 2,500 |
29170 | NAGY, N. C. de] THE POETRY OF EZRA POUND: The Pre-Imagist Stage. Frank Verlag Bern. o/w, 183pp, large 8vo. 1960 | 7,500 |
39171 | NASSAR, E. P.] THE CANTOS OF EZRA POUND: The Lyric Mode. Johns Hopkins UP. dust jacket, xi+164pp, large 8vo. 1975 | 2,500 |
39172 | NELSON, J. G.] ELKIN MATHEWS: Publisher to Yeats, Joyce, Pound. Wisconsin Press. p/b, xiii+299pp, large 8vo. 1989 | 2,000 |
39173 | NICHOLLS, P.] EZRA POUND: Politics, Economics and Writing. Macmillan. dust jacket, xi+263pp, 8vo. 1984 | 2,500 |
39174 | NOLDE, J. J.] BLOSSOMS FROM THE EAST: The China Cantos of Ezra Pound. University Maine. o/w, x+458pp, large 8vo. 1983 | 6,500 |
39175 | NORTH, M.] THE POLITICAL AESTHETIC OF YEATS, ELIOT, AND POUND. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,viii+241pp,large 8vo. 1991 | 4,500 |
39176 | ODERMAN, K.] EZRA POUND AND THE EROTIC MEDIUM. Duke UP. dust jacket, xv+158pp, large 8vo. 1986 | 3,500 |
39178 | OLSON, C.] CHARLES OLSON & EZRA POUND: An Encounter at St.Elizabeths. Ed.by C.Seelye. NY:Grossman. First ed, dust jacket, xxvi+147pp, large 8vo. 1975 | 4,500 |
39179 | PERLOFF, M.] THE DANCE OF THE INTELLECT: Studies in the Poetry of the Pound Tradition. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,xii+243pp,large 8vo. 1985 | 4,500 |
39180 | PERLOFF, M.] THE DANCE OF THE INTELLECT: Studies in the Poetry of the Pound Tradition. Cambridge UP. p/b, xii+243pp,large 8vo. 1985 | 1,800 |
39181 | RABATE, J.-M..] LANGUAGE, SEXUALITY AND IDEOLOGY IN EZRA POUND'S CANTOS. Macmillan. dust jacket, x+339pp. 1986 | 3,500 |
39182 | RAFFEL, B.] POSSUM AND OLE EZ IN THE PUBLIC EYE: Contemporaries and Peers on T.S.Eliot and Ezra Pound. Archon Books. dust jacket, v+143pp. 1985 | 2,500 |
39183 | RAFFEL, B.] EZRA POUND: Prime Minister of Poetry. Archon Books. dust jacket, xii+170pp. 1984 | 2,500 |
39184 | RAINEY, L. S.] EZRA POUND AND THE MONUMENT OF CULTURE: Text, History and the Malatesta Cantos: Chicago Press. d/j, xiv+353pp, large 8vo. 1984 | 4,500 |
39185 | READ, F.] '76 ONE WORLD AND THE CANTOS OF EZRA POUND. North Carolina Press. p/b, xii+476pp, large 8vo, 1981 | 2,500 |
39186 | RECK, M.] EZRA POUND: A Close-UP. McGraw-Hill Book. dust jacket, xiii+205pp, 1967 | 2,500 |
39187 | RICKS, B.(Ed.)] EZRA POUND: A Bibliography of Secondary Works. Scarecrow Press. xxii+281pp,8vo. 1986 | 3,500 |
39188 | ROSENTHAL, M. L.] SAILING IN TO THE UNKNOWN: Yeats, Pound, and Eliot. Oxford UP. dust jacket, ix+224pp, 8vo. 1978 | 2,500 |
39189 | RUSSELL, P.(Ed.)] EZRA POUND: A Collection of Essays to be Presented to Ezra Pound on His 65th Birthday. Haskell House. Reprinted edition, 268pp. Contributors: E.Sitwell,T.S.Eliot,Hemingway,W.Lewis,et al. 1968 | 3,500 |
39190 | RUSSELL, P.(Ed.)] EXAMINATION OF EZRA POUND: A Collection of Essays Gordian Press. dust jacket, 307pp, 8vo. 1973 | 2,500 |
39191 | RUTHVEN, K. K.] A GUIDE TO EZRA POUND'S PERSONAE.(1926). California Press. dust jacket, ix+281pp, large 8vo. 1969 | 2,500 |
39192 | RUTHVEN, K. K.] EZRA POUND AS LITERARY CRITIC. Routledge. dust jacket, xvi+191pp, 8vo. 1990 | 4,500 |
39193 | SANDERS, F. K.] JOHN ADAMS SPEAKING: Pound's Sources for the Adams Cantos. Maine Press. dust jacket, xvi+530pp, large 8vo. 1975 | 6,500 |
39194 | SCHNEIDAU, H.N.] EZRA POUND: The Image and the Real. Louisiana State UP. dust jacket, viii+210pp,8vo. 1969 | 2,500 |
39195 | SHERRY, V.] EZRA POUND, WYNDHAM LEWIS, AND RADICAL MODERNISM. Oxford UP. With 14 illustrations, dust jacket, xi+228pp, large 8vo. 1993 | 7,500 |
39196 | SIEBURTH, R.] INSTIGATIONS: Ezra Pound and Remy de Gourmont. Harvard UP. dust jacket, viii+197pp,large 8vo. 1978 | 3,000 |
39197 | SIMPSON, L.] THREE ON THE TOWER: The Lives and Works of Ezra Pound, T.S.Eliot and William Carlos Williams. William Morrow. dust jacket, ix+373pp, large 8vo. 1975 | 8,500 |
39198 | SMITH, P.] POUND REVISED. Croom Helm. dust jacket,176pp. 1983 | 2,500 |
39199 | SMITH, M. / ULMER, W.A. (Ed.)] EZRA POUND: The Legacy of Kulchur. Alabama Press. p/b, vi+179pp,8vo. 1988 | 1,500 |
39200 | STEAD, C.K.] POUND, YEATS, ELIOT AND MODERNIST MOVEMENT. Macmillan. vii+393pp,8vo. 1989 | 3,800 |
39201 | STOCK, N.] READING THE CANTOS: The Study of Meaning in Ezra Pound. Routlege & Kegan Paul. dust jacket, viii+120pp. 1967 | 2,500 |
39202 | STOCK, N.] THE LIFE OF EZRA POUND. Routlege & Kegan Paul. dust jacket, xvii+472pp,large 8vo. 1970 | 4,800 |
39203 | STOCK, N.] EZRA POUND'S PENNSYLVANIA. Toledo Libraries. Limited to 1000 copies, dust jacket, 111pp, large 8vo. 1976 | 5,800 |
39204 | SURETTE, L.] A LIGHT FROM ELEUSIS: A Study of Ezra Pound's Cantos. Clarendon Press. dust jacket, xiv+306pp, 8vo. 1979 | 2,500 |
39205 | TAYLOR, R.] VARIORUM EDITION OF ' THREE CANTOS' ; A Prototype. Boomerang Press. o/w, 125pp, large 8vo. 1991 | 4,500 |
39206 | TERRELL, C.F.] A COMPANION TO THE CANTOS OF EZRA POUND. (Cantos 1-117). 2 vols.set. California Press. d/j,xv+x+791pp,small 4to. 1984 | 9,000 |
39207 | THOMAS, R.] THE LATIN MASKS OF:EZRA POUND. Umi Reserch Press. xvi+180pp, large 8vo. 1983 | 2,500 |
39208 | TORREY, E. F.] THE ROOTS OF TREASON: Ezra Pound and the Secret of St. Elizabeths. McGray-Hill Book. dust jacket, xx+339pp, large 8vo. 1984 | 4,500 |
39209 | TORREY, E. F.] THE ROOTS OF TREASON: Ezra Pound and the Secret of St. Elizabeths. Harvest Book. p/b, xx+339pp. 1984 | 1,500 |
39210 | TUKUI Nobuko] EZRA POUND AND JAPANESE NOH PLAYS. U.P.of America. o/w, xii+120pp. 1983 | 1,500 |
39211 | TYTELL, J.] EZRA POUND: The Solitary Volcano. NY:Doubleday. dust jacket, 368pp,large 8vo. 1987 | 4,800 |
39212 | WALKER, J.] BARDIC ETHOS AND THE AMERICAN EPIC POEM: Whitman, Pound, Crane, Williams, Olson. Louisiana State UP. d/j, xvi+261pp ,large 8vo.1989 | 4,500 |
39213 | WILHELM, J.J.] DANTE AND POUND: The Epic of Judgement. Maine Press. limited to 100 copies, dust jacket, xii+187pp, large 8vo. 1974 | 6,500 |
39214 | WILHELM, J.J.] THE AMERICAN ROOTS OF EZRA POUND. Garland. dust jacket, xi+230pp, with few lines on text, 8vo. 1985 | 2,500 |
39215 | WILSON, P.] A PREFACE TO EZRA POUND. Longman. p/b, xi+255pp. 1997 | 1,500 |
39216 | WOODWARD, A.] EZRA POUND AND THE PISAN CANTOS. London: Routledge. dust jacket, xi+128pp,8vo. 1980 | 1,800 |
39217 | YIP, Wai-Lim] EZRA POUND'S CATHAY. Princeton UP.. dust jacket, xiii+259pp, 8vo, with some lines on the text. 1969 | 1,000 |
F Books and Booklets Including Articles about Ezra Pound | ||
39280 | AIKEN,C.] COLLECTED CRITICISM OF CONRAD AIKEN: A Reviewer's from 1916 to the Present abc. Meridian Books. dust jacket,414pp. 1958 | 3,500 |
39284 | BARKER, G.] ESSAYS. Macgibbon & Kee. d/j,191pp. Essays on Pound, Thomas, Housman, et al. 1970 | 3,500 |
39286 | BLASING,M.K.] AMERICAN POETRY: The Rhetoric of its Forms. Yale UP. dust jacket, vii+248pp,large 8vo. Essays on E.Pound, H.Crane, et al. 1987 | 2,500 |
39290 | BUTTERFIELD,R.W.(Ed.)] MODERN AMERICAN POETRY. Vision & Barnes & Noble. dust jacket, 239pp,8vo. "Man Under Fortune:Bases for Ezra Pound's Poetry" by Eric Mottram. 1984 | 2,500 |
39291 | CHRIST,C.T.] VICTORIAN AND MODERN POETICS. Chicago Press. d/j,ix+178pp. Essays on Pound, Eliot, Arnold, et al. 1984 | 4,800 |
39294 | DAVIE, D.] THE POET IN THE IMAGINARY MUSEUM. Ed.by B.Alpert. Carcanet. d/j,xxi+322pp. Essays on Pound, Whitman, Eliot,et al. 1977 | 3,500 |
39296 | DEMBO,L.S.] CONCEPTIONS OF REALITY IN MODERN AMERICAN POETRY. California Press. d/j,ix+248pp. "Ezra Pound:Fac Deum" 1966 | 2,500 |
39297 | DIEPEVEEN,L.] CHANGING VOICES: The Modern Quoting Poem. Michigan Press. d/j,xx+196pp,large 8vo. Essays on Pound,Eliot,Joyce,et al. 1993 | 2,800 |
39298 | DONOGHUE,D.] THE ORDINARY UNIVERSE: Soundings in Modern Literature. Faber. dust jacket,320pp. 1968 | 2,500 |
39300 | FAULKNER, P.(Ed.)] THE ENGLISH MODERNIST READER,1910-1930. Iowa Press. d/j,171pp. Essays on Joyce, Pound, Lawrence, et al. 1986 | 3,500 |
39306 | GELPI,A.] A COHERENT SPLENDOR. Cambridge UP. d/j,x+482pp,large 8vo. Essays on Pound, Stevens, Eliot, H.D, Williams, et all. 1987 | 4,800 |
39307 | GREENBAUM,L.] THE HOUND & HORN:The History of a Literary Quarterly. London:Mouton. 275pp,8vo. Essays on Pound, James, et al. 1966 | 2,500 |
39308 | HARMER, J.B.] VICTORY IN LIMBO: Imagism 1908-1917. Secker & Warburg. dust jacket, xvii+238pp,large 8vo. 1975 | 4,800 |
39310 | HOFFMAN,F.J.] THE TWENTIES. Viking Press. xiv+466pp. Essays on Pound, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Eliot, et al. 1955 | 2,500 |
39311 | HOWE,I.] THE CRITICAL POINT:On Literature and Culture. Horizon Press. dust jacket, 232pp,large 8vo. "The Case of Ezra Pound." 1973 | 2,500 |
39312 | HUGHES, G.] IMAGISM AND THE IMAGISTS: A study in Modern Poetry. Stanford UP. First edition. xiii+ 283pp, large 8vo. Essays on Pound, et al. 1931 | 4,500 |
39313 | KARL,F.R.] MODERN AND MODERNISM: The Sovereignty of the Artist 1885-1925. Atheneum. dust jacket,xviii+456pp,large 8vo. "Pound and the Crisis of Modernism" 1985 | 7,500 |
39315 | KODAMA, S.] AMERICAN POETRY AND JAPANESE CULTURE. Archon Books. dust jacket, xi+264pp, 8vo. 1984 | 2,500 |
39319 | MAZZARO,J.(Ed.)] MODERN AMERICAN POETRY: Essays in Criticism. David McKay. dust jacket,xiv+368p,8vo. "Ezra Pound: The Poet as Hero" by M.L.Rosenthal. 1970 | 3,500 |
39321 | MILLER,Jr.J.E.] THE AMERICAN QUEST FOR A SUPREME FICTION. U.of Chicago Press. dust jacket,xvi+360pp,large 8vo. "An Epic Is a Poem Containing History: Ezra Pound's Cantos" 1979 | 3,800 |
39322 | MINER, E.] THE JAPANESE TRADITION IN BRITISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE. Greenwood Press. xxi+312pp. Essays on Pound, et al. 1976 | 4,500 |
39323 | PATMORE,D.(Ed.)] MY FRIENDS WHEN YOUNG: The Memoirs of Brigit Patmore. Heinemann. dust jacket,xii+159pp. Essays on Pound,H.D.,et al. 1968 | 4,500 |
39326 | PRITCHARD,W.H.] LIVES OF THE MODERN POETS. Faber. dust jacket, xii+316pp. "Ezra Pound: Persistent Explorer" 1980 | 2,500 |
39327 | REVELL,P.] QUEST IN MODERN AMERICAN POETRY. Vision & Barnes & Noble. d/j,245pp. Essays on Pound,Williams,H.D.,Eliot,Aiken. 1981 | 2,500 |
39328 | ROBINSON,P.] IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES ABOUT POEMS AND POETS. Clarendon Press. d/j,ix+260pp. "Ezra Pound:Translation and Betrayal." 1992 | 2,500 |
39330 | ROSENTHAL, M. L. / GALL, S. M.] THE MODERN POETIC SEQUENCE: The Genius of Modern Poetry. Oxford UP. dust jacket, xiv+,508pp, large 8vo. Essays on Pound, Eliot, et al. 1983 | 4,500 |
39332 | SYMONS, J.] MAKERS OF THE NEW: The Revolution in Literature 1912- 1939. Random House. First edition,dust jacket,295pp,large 8vo. Essays on Pound, Eliot, Lewis and Joyce. 1987 | 4,500 |
39333 | TATE,A.] ON THE LIMITS OF POETRY: Selected Essays:1928-1948. Swallow Press. First ed, d/j,xviii+379pp. Essays on Pound, Crane, Dickinson, Eliot,et al. 1948 | 3,800 |
39337 | UNGER,L.(Ed.)] SEVEN MODERN AMERICAN POETS:An Introduction. Ransom, Pound,Eliot,Stevens,Tate,Frost and Williams. Minnesota Press. d/j,vii+303pp. 1968 | 2,500 |
39338 | WAGGONER,H.H.] AMERICAN POETS: From Puritans to the Present. Louisiana State UP. dust jacket,xxiv+735pp. "Ideogram,or the Method of Science:Ezra Pound." 1968 | 3,500 |
39339 | WILLIAMS, E.] HARRIET MONROE AND THE POETRY RENAISSANCE: The First Ten Years of poetry 1912-22. Illinois Press. d/j, xiv+312pp. 1977 | 4,500 |
Periodicals about Ezra Pound and Periodicals Including Articles about Ezra Pound |
39360 | POETRY. Vol.51;No.6. "Ezra Pound's Very Useful Labors. By D.Schwartz" 1938 | 2,500 |
39366 | THE EAST-WEST REVIEW. Vol.1:No.2. "An Interview with Ezra Pound" by Kojiro Yoshikawa. 1964 | 7,500 |
39374 | AGENDA. Vol.4:No.2. Special Issue in Honour of Pound 80th Birthday. 1965 | 3,500 |
39375 | AGENDA. Vol.8:No.3,4. (2 Issues) Special Issue in Honour of Pound Eighty-Fifth Birthday. 1970 | 1,500 |
39376 | AGENDA. Vol.17:No.3,4.-Vol.18:No.1. (3 Issues) Twenty-First Anniversary Ezra Pound Special Issue. 1979/80 | 2,500 |
39377 | SOU' WESTER. Ezra Pound Birthday Issue. Southern Illinois UP. 1970 | 4,500 |
39378 | PAIDEUMA. Vol.21:No.3./ Vo.22,No.1,2 and 3. / Vol.24,No.1 and 2,3./ Vol.25.No.1,2 and 3. / Vol.26.No.1 and.2,3. / Vol.27.No.2,3. / Vol.28. No.1. / Vol.31. No. 1,2,3. / Vol.32. No. 1,2,3. / Vol.33,No.1 and 2,3. / Vol.34.No.1 and 2,3. / Vol.35. No.1. / Vol.37. / Vol.38. / Vol.42. / Vol.43. Together 22 issues. 1992-2015 | 25,000 |
39379 | TAMKANG REVIEW. Vol.2:No.2-Vol.3:No.1. (2 Issues) Reprint Issue. "Ezra Pound and The Orient-Some Oriental Figures Behind Ezra Pound-" by Rikutaro Fukuda. 1972 | 2,500 |
39380 | ST. ANDREWS REVIEW. No.29. The Pound ssue. St.Andrew College. 1985 | 4,500 |
H Ezra Pound in Japan | ||
39391 | エズラ・パウンド詩集 角川書店 箱 新倉俊一訳 1976 | Sold |
39394 | 新文学展望(文學精神の源泉−木下常太郎訳)
四明社 昭9 ※本書は『金星堂列冊新文学研究』内12編を一冊合本にした版[ヒューム−藝術の哲學/ パウンド:文學精神の源泉/グラボオ:リアリズム論/マッシス:小説論/ミュア:過渡期の文學/ ロレンス:文學とモラル/ジァルウ:現代英吉利小説/ルイス:悪魔主義/ウルフ文學論/ ラルボオ:ポオル・ヴァレリイ/ウルフ短篇集/ロレンス小説集] |
15,000 |
39410 | 英米近代詩研究(パウンド・ジョイス・イエーツ他)金星堂 山宮・佐藤・中村 昭8 | 7,500 |
39422 | 英文學風景 1巻4号(エズラ・パウンド雑考1−北詰栄太郎) 英明社 昭9 | 4,500 |
39433 | 青 7号 エズラ・パウンド特集 三日会 昭43 | 2,500 |
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