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BLAKE, William (1757-1827)  ブレイク
32000 THE WORKS OF WILLIAM BLAKE: Poetic, Symbolic, and Critical. Ed.by E.J.Ellis and W.B.Yeats. Ams Press. 3 vols.set. Reprinted of 1893. 1973 12,000
32001 THE COMPLETE GRAPHIC WORKS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. By D.Bindman. Assisted by D.Toomey. With 765 illustrations. Thames & Hudson. dust jacket,492pp,large 4to. 1978 9,800
ウイリアム・ブレイク全詩画集 全6巻 ジャケット付
WILLIAM BLAKE THE ILLUMINATED BOOKS. 6 vols.set. Ed.by D.Bindman. William Blake Trust & Tate Gallery. Numerous coloured illustrations, dust jacket, 4to,
a good set. 1991-95
____________________ Vol.1. JERUSALEM: The Emanation of the Giant Albion. Ed. by M. D. Paley. dust jacket, 4to, 1991   12,000
____________________ Vol.2. SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE. Ed. by A. Lincoln. dust jacket, 4to, 1991   7,000
____________________ Vol.4. THE CONTINENTAL PROPHECIES: America, Europe, The Song of Los. Ed. by D. W. Dorrebecker. p/b, 4to, 1995  3,000
32003 THE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE./ THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Ed.by G.Keynes and by M.Wilson. Nonesuch Press & Chiswick Press. 4 vols.set. Limited to 1500 and 1480 copies,with numerous plates, hand-made paper,marbled boards and white vellum spines,gilt lettered on spines,4to,a clean set. 1925-27  85,000
32005 THE PROPHETIC WRITINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. 2 vols.set. Ed.by D.J.Sloss and J.P.R.Wallis. Clarendon Press. dust jacket,xvi+649+xxii+361pp,clean set. 1969 6,500
32014 THE BOOK OF THEL. Ed.by N.Bogen. Brown UP. 6 plates,d/j,81pp,4to. 1971 3,500
32017 SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE; With Other Poems. London:Basil Montagu Pickering. First edition thus,contemporary half brown calf, white label on spine,xii+108pp,small 8vo,a clean copy. 1866 85,000
32018 SONGS OF INNOCENCE. London:Ernest Benn. Facsimile of British Museum. Presentation copy,Signed and Inscribed by John Betjeman,original black cloth stamped with gilt to upper cover,small 4to,a good copy. 1926 25,000
32019 SONGS OF INNOCENCE. London:Ernest Benn. Facsimile of British Museum. original black cloth, stamped with gilt to upper cover,small 4to,a good copy. 1926 15,000
32019 SONGS OF INNOCENCE AND OF EXPERIENCE. Peter Pauper Press. Full blue morocco,gilt decorated spine,small 8vo,a good copy. [n.d.] 9,500
32020 SONGS OF INNOCENCE. Faber. With full pages illustrations by Harold Jones. First edition,pictorial dust jacket,a clean copy. 1958 4,500
32023 THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL. London:J.M.Dent. Reproduced in facsimile from an original copy,with a note by Max Plowman,numerous coloured illustrations, dust jacket,brown cloth,lettered in gilt,4to. 1927 18,000
32025 THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL. Ed.by G.Keynes. Oxford UP. numerous coloured illustrations,with publisher's box. 1975 3,500
32027 SONGS OF EXPERIENCE. . London:Ernest Benn. Facsimile of British Museum. original black cloth, stamped with gilt to upper cover,small 4to,a good copy. 1926 15,000
32028 A GRAIN OF SAND. Poems and Engravings. Bodley Head. dust jacket,92pp. 1967 3,500
32031 THE LETTERS OF WILLIAM BLAKE: With Related Documents. Ed.by G.Keynes. Clarendon Press. Third edition,with 21 illustrations,dust jacket, xxviii+235pp,large 8vo. 1980 4,500
32033 WILLIAM BLAKE'S WATER-COLOUR DESIGNS FOR THE POEMS OF THOMAS GRAY. With an Intro.and Commentary by G.Keynes. Trianon Press for The Wiilliam Blake Trust. Numerous coloured illustrations, dust jacket,xx+72pp+illus,4to. 1972 5,500
32034 NIGHT THOUGHTS. By Edward Young. 2 vols.set. Clarendon Press. Complete Edition. Ed.by D.V.Erdman,J.E.Grant,E.J.Rose,and M.J.Tolley. With numerous illus,dust jacket,publisher's slipcase,folio,a good set. 1980 Sold
32036 THE COMPLETE PORTRAITURE OF WILLIAM AND CATHERINE BLAKE. With an Essay and an Iconography by G.Keynes. Trianon Press for The William Blake Trust. With 52 plates,limited to 500 copies,quarter morocco, with cloth slipcase,4to, a good copy. 1977 28,000
32037 PENCIL DRAWINGS BY WILLIAM BLAKE. Series.1. and 2. Ed.by G.Keynes. 2 vols.set. Nonesuch Press. Limited to 1550 copies,4to. 1927-56 28,000
32038 FABLES : With a Life of the Author and Embellished with Seventy Plates. By John Gay. London: John Stockdale. 2 vols.set. First Stockdale edition and first with the Blake plates, 2 engraved title-pages with vignette, frontispiece and 68 illustrations (including 12 etchings by William Blake), contemporary full brown polished calf,gilt lettered on spines,ii+xii+225pp+ii+vii+188pp, small 4to(170 x 268mm), a clean set. 1793 [Bentley. 460.A.] 180,000
32042 THE BOOK OF PEACE. By Pamela Tennant. London:Chiswick Press. Contains 3 Engraved Illustrations by William Blake. vii+125pp,8vo. 1901 6,500
32047 BENTLEY, Jr,G.E.(Ed.)]  WILLIAM BLAKE. The Critical Heritage. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xix+294pp,8vo. 1975  4,500
32048 BENTLEY, Jr,G.E.]  WILLIAM BLAKE: Annotated Catalogues of William Blake's Writings in Illuminated Printing, in Conventional Typography and in Manuscript and Reprints thereof Reproductions of His Engravings Catalogues Books He Owned and Scholarly and Critical Works about Him. Clarendon Press. dust jacket, xii+1079pp, large 8vo. 1977 25,000
32049 BENTLEY, Jr,G.E.]  BLAKE RECORDS SUPPLEMENT: Being New Materials Relating to the Life of William Blake, Discovered Since the Publication of Blake Records (1960). Clarendon Press. xlviii+152pp. 1988 4,500
32052 BERTHOLF, R.J./LEVITT, A.S.]  WILLIAM BLAKE AND THE MODERNS. New York Press. xv+294pp,large 8vo. 1982 3,500
32053 BIDNEY, M.]  BLAKE AND GOETHE: Psychology, Ontology, Imagination. Missouri Press. dust jacket,xvi+184pp,8vo. 1988 2,500
32055 BINYON,L.]  THE DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Ed.by Geoffrey Holme. Studio. With numerous plates,13 mount coloured plates,4to. 1922 18,000
32056 BINYON,L.]  THE ENGRAVED DESIGNS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. London:Ernest Benn. With numerous plates,4to. 1926 18,000
32057 BINYON,L.]  THE ENGRAVED DESIGNS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. NY:Da Capo Press. With numerous plates,xiv+140pp+82plates,4to. 1967 7,800
32058 BLACKSTONE, B.]  ENGLISH BLAKE. Archon Books. xviii+455pp. 1966 4,500
32063 BOGAN, J./GOSS, F.(Ed.)]  SPARKS OF FIRE: Blake in a New Age. North Atlantic Books. o/w,xviii+458pp,large 8vo. 1982 2,500
32066 BURDETT, O.]  WILLIAM BLAKE. Macmillan. viii+198pp,8vo. 1926 2,500
32067 BUTLIN,M.]  WILLIAM BLAKE 1757-1827. Tate Gallery Collections.5. Numerous illustrations,dust jacket,251pp,4to. 1990 9,500
32070 CLECKNER, R.F.]  BLAKE'S PRELUDE: Poetical Sketches. Johns Hopkins UP. dust jacket,ix+202pp,large 8vo. 1982 4,500
32071 CURRAN, S./WITTREICH, J.A.(Ed.)]  BLAKE'S SUBLIME ALLEGORY: Essays on The Four Zoas, Milton, Jerusalem. Wisconsin Press. dust jacket,xix+384pp, large 8vo. 1973 4,500
32072 DAMON, S.F.]  WILLIAM BLAKE: Essays for S.Foster Damon. Ed.by A.H.Rosenfeld. Brown UP. d/j,xlvi+498pp+xii,with 31illus,large 8vo. 1969 6,500
32073 DAMON, S.F.]  A BLAKE DICTIONARY: The Ideas and Symbols of William Blake. Brown UP. xii+460pp+xii,numerouse illustrations,4to. 1965 7,500
32075 DAMROSCH, L.]  SYMBOL AND TRUTH IN BLAKE'S MYTH. Princeton UP. dust jacket,xiv+395pp,large 8vo. 1980 7,500
32076 DAMROSCH, L.]  SYMBOL AND TRUTH IN BLAKE'S MYTH. Princeton UP. p/b,xiv+395pp, large 8vo. 1980 2,500
32077 DAVIS, M.]  WILLIAM BLAKE: A New Kind of Man. Paul Elek. dust jacket, numerous illustrations,181pp,large 8vo. 1977 4,500
32079 DEEN, L.W.]  COVERSING IN PARADISE: Poetic Genius and Identity-as-Community in Blake's Los. Missouri Press. dust jacket,274pp,8vo. 1983 3,000
32081 DIGBY,G.W.]  SYMBOL AND IMAGE IN WILLIAM BLAKE. Clarendon Press. With numerous illustrations,xx+143pp,4to. 1957 2,500
32082 DISALVO, J.]  WAR OF TITANS: Blake's Critique of Milton and the Politics of Religion. Pittsburgh Press. xi+391pp,large 8vo. 1983 4,500
32083 DISALVO, J./ROSSO, G.A./HOBSON, C.Z.(Ed.)]  BLAKE, POLITICS, AND HISTORY. Garland. xxxii+387pp,with numerous illustrations. 1998 7,500
32084 DUMBAR, P.] WILLIAM BLAKE'S ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE POETRY OF MILTON. Clarendon Press. With numerous illustrations,dust jacket,4to. 1980 8,500
32085 ELLIS, E.J.]  THE REAL BLAKE: A Portrait Biography. Haskell House. Facsimile ed.of 1906,with 13 illus,xix+443pp. 1976 4,500
32087 ERDMAN, D.V.(Ed.)]  A CONCORDANCE TO THE WRITINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Cornell UP. 2 vols.set. xxxvi+2317pp,large 8vo. 1967 18,000
32089 ESSICK,R.N.]  WILLIAM BLAKE PAINTMAKER. Princeton UP. With numerous illustrations,xxii+283pp+plates,4to. 1980 4,500
32091 ESSICK,R.N.]  WILLIAM BLAKE AT HUNTINGTON. Harry N.Abrams. With numerous coloured plates,p/b,159pp,4to. 1989 2,000
32092 ESSICK, R.N.]  WILLIAM BLAKE'S COMMERCIAL BOOK ILLUSTRATIONS: A Catalogue and Study of the Plates Engraved by Blake after Designs by Other Artists. Clarendon Press.with numerous illustrations, dust jacket,4to. 1991 25,000
32093 FERBER, M.]  THE SOCIAL VISION OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Princeton UP. dust jacket,xii+254pp,8vo. 1985 3,000
32095 FOX, S.]  POETIC FORM IN BLAKE'S MILTON. Princeton UP. dust jacket, xvi+242pp. 1976 4,500
32096 FROSCH, T.R.]  THE AWAKENING OF ALBION: The Renovation of the Body in the Poetry of William Blake. Cornell UP. dust jacket,211pp. 1974 4,500
32099 GALLANT, C.]  BLAKE AND THE ASSIMILATION OF CHAOS. Princeton UP. dust jacket,198pp,8vo. 1978 2,500
32100 GARDNER, C.]  WILLIAM BLAKE: The Man. J.M.Dent. With illus,202pp,4to. 1919 3,500
32101 GARDNER, C.]  VISION AND VESTURE: A Study of William Blake in Modern Thought. Folcroft Library. Limited to 100 copies,xi+226pp,large 8vo. 1973 3,500
32102 GARDNER, S.]  BLAKE'S INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE RETRACED. Athlone Press. dust jacket,xviii+211pp. 1986 3,000
32105 GEORGE, D.H.]  BLAKE AND FREUD. Cornell UP. dust jacket,253pp. 1980 3,500
GILCHRIST, A.]  LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. With Selections from His Poems and Other Writings. New and Enlarged Edition.(Best Edition) With numerous engraved illustrations from Blake's own works. 2 vols.set. London:Macmillan. gilt decorated original dark blue cloth,xxi+431pp+ix+383pp,large 8vo, a good set. 1880 75,000
32109 GILCHRIST, A.]  LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. With Selections from His Poems and Other Writings. A New and Enlarged Edition. With numerous illustrations from Blake's own works. 2 vols.set. NY:Phaeton Press. Reprinted of 1880, xxi+431+ix+383pp,large 8vo. 1969 5,500
32110 GILLHAM, D.G.]  WILLIAM BLAKE. Cambridge UP. d/j,x+216pp,8vo. 1973 4,500
32112 GLECKNER, R.F.]  BLAKE'S PRELUDE: Poetical Sketches. Johns Hopkins UP. dust jacket,ix+202pp,large 8vo. 1982 2,500
32113 GLEN, H.]  VISION AND DISENCHANTMENT: Blake's Songs and Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,ix+399pp,8vo. 1983 7,500
32115 GOSLEE, N.M.]  URIE'S EYE: Miltonic Stationing and Statuary in Blake, Keats, and Shelley. Alabama Press. dust jacket,xiii+262pp,large 8vo. 1985 4,500
32117 HAGSTRUM, J.H.]  WILLIAM BLAKE: Poet and Painter. An Introduction to the Illuminated Verse. Chicago Press. With illus,dust jacket,xi+156pp,4to. 1964 4,500
32119 HAMBLEN, E.S.]  ON THE MINOR PROPHECIES OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Haskell House. Reprinted of 1930,xiii+395pp,large 8vo. 1968 4,500
32120 HILTON,N.]  LITERAL IMAGINATION: Blake's Vision of Words. California Press. dust jacket,xvi+319pp,4to. 1983 3,500
32121 HILTON, N./VOGLER, T.A.(Ed.)]  UNNAM'D FORMS: Blake and Textuality. California Press. dust jacket,xiii+267pp,large 8vo. 1986 4,500
32122 HOAGWOOD, T.A.]  PROPHECY AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF MIND: Traditions of Blake and Shelley. Alabama Press. xiv+247pp,large 8vo.1985 4,500
32125 JACKSON, W.]  THE PROBABLE AND THE MARVELOUS: Blake, Wordsworth, and the Eighteenth-Century Critical Tradition. Georgia Press. dust jacket, vi+218pp. 1978 3,500
32132 KEYNES,G.]  BLAKE STUDIES: Notes on His Life and Works in Seventeen Chapters. Rupert Hart-Davis. With 48 plates in collotype,dust jacket, xiii+208pp,4to. 1949 4,500
32133 KEYNES,G.]  BLAKE STUDIES: Notes on His Life and Works in Seventeen Chapters. Rupert Hart-Davis. Second edition,Revised and Enlarged, with 48 plates,dust jacket,xii+263pp,4to. 1971 9,500
32134 KEYNES,G.(Ed.)]  WILLIAM BLAKE'S ENGRAVINGS. Faber. With numerous illustrations,4to. 1950 7,500
32135 KEYNES,G.]  WILLIAM BLAKE. Essays in Honour of Sir Geoffrey Keynes. Ed.by M.D.Paley and M.Phillips. Clarendon Press. d/j,xiv+390pp,4to. 1973 7,500
32136 KEYNES,G.]  THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL. This Reproduction in the Original Size of William Blake's Illuminated Book. With an Intro.and Commentary. Oxford UP. Publisher's box. 1975 7,500
32137 KEYNES, G.] A STUDY OF THE ILLUMINATED BOOKS OF WILLIAM BLAKE: Poet, Printer, Prophet. Methuen. With numerous colour illus,d/j,4to. 1973 6,500
32138 KING, J.]  WILLIAM BLAKE: His Life. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. With numerous illustrations,dust jacket,xviii+263pp,large 8vo. 1991 4,500
32140 KLONSKY, M.]  BLAKE'S DANTE: The Complete Illustrations to the Divine Comedy. Harmony Books. With numerous illus,dust jacket,4to. 1980  4,500
32141 KORTELING, J.]  MYSTICISM IN BLAKE AND WORDSWORTH. Haskell House. Reprinted of 1928,174pp,large 8vo. 1966 2,500
32142 LEADER, Z.]  READING BLAKE'S SONGS. Routledge & Kegan Paul. dust jacket,xxiii+259pp. 1981 4,500
32144 LINDSAY, J.]  WILLIAM BLAKE: His Life and Work. George Braziller. dust jacket,xvii+334pp,large 8vo. 1979 4,500
32146 MAGNO, C.T. / ERDMAN, D.V.] THE FOUR ZOAS BY WILLIAM BLAKE: A Photographic Facsimile of the Manuscript with Commentary on the Illustrations. Bucknell UP. with numerous illustrations,d/j,258pp,4to. 1987 35,000
32148 MORRIS, H.N.]  FLAXMAN BLAKE COLERIDGE AND OTHER MEN OF: GENIUS INFLUENCED BY SWEDENBORG. New-Church Press. with numerous illustrations,viii+166pp. 尾嶋庄太郎先生署名印. 1915 5,000
32150 NIIMI Hatsuko]  BLAKE'S DIALOGIC TEXTS. Keio UP. dust jacket, with 22 illustrations,xiii+356pp. 2006 4,500
32151 NURMI, M.K.]  BLAKE'S MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL: A Critical Study. Haskell House. 63pp,8vo. 1972 2,500
32152 NURMI, M.K.]  WILLIAM BLAKE. Hutchinson UP. dust jacket,175pp,8vo. 1975 2,500
32156 PHILLIPS,M.(Ed.)]  INTERPRITING BLAKE. Cambridge UP. With 20 illus., dust jacket,269pp,4to. 1978 2,500
32158 PIERCE,F.E.]  SELECTIONS FROM THE SYMBOLICAL POEMS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Yale UP. First edition,limited to 500 copies,xiv+79pp,4to. 1915 4,500
32160 RAINE, K.]  BLAKE AND TRADITION. Princeton UP. Bollingen Series 35. 2 vols.set. First edition,with numerous illustrations,dust jacket,xxxii+427+xi+367pp, with publisher's slipcase,4to,a clean set. 1968 18,000
32163 RAINE, K.]  FROM BLAKE TO A VISION. Dolmen Press, o/w, 64pp, 4to. 1979 3,500
32167 RUSSELL, A.G.B.]  THE ENGRAVINGS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Grant Richards. Limited to 500 copies,with 32 illustrations,229pp,4to,a clean copy. 1912 15,000
32170 SAURAT, D.]  BLAKE AND MILTON. NY:Russell. 159pp. 1965 6,500
32172 SELINCOURT,B.de]  WILLIAM BLAKE. Cooper Square. xi+298pp. 1971 2,500
32173 SINDEREN,A.V.]  BLAKE: The Mystic Genius. Syracuse UP. dust jacket,with numerouse illustrations,119pp,4to. 1949 4,500
32176 SYMONS, A.]  WILLIAM BLAKE. Cooper Square. Facsimile of 1907,433pp. 1970 2,500
32177 TANNENBAUM, L.]  BIBLICAL TRADITION IN BLAKE'S EARLY PROPHECIES: The Great Code of Art. Princeton UP. dust jacket,xiii+373pp,8vo. 1982 3,500
32178 TAYLER,I.]  BLAKE'S ILLUSTRATIONS TO THE POEMS OF GRAY. Princeton UP. 116 designs,dust jacket,169pp,4to. 1971 9,000
32180 VAUGHAN, W.]  WILLIAM BLAKE. Thames & Hudson. With 46 colour plates. p/b,4to. 1977 2,500
32181 VOGLER, T.A.]  PRELUDES TO VISION: The Epic Venture in Blake, Wordsworth, Keats, and Hart Crane. California Press. dust jacket, vii+222pp,large 8vo. 1971  4,500
32182 WAGENKNECHT, D.]  BLAKE'S NIGHT: William Blake and the Idea of Pastoral. Harvard UP. dust jacket,x+321pp,large 8vo. 1973 4,500
32183 WHITLARK,J.]  ILLUMINATED FANTASY: From Blake's Visions to Recent Graphic Fiction. Fairleigh Dickinson UP. dust jacket,241pp,4to. 1988 3,500
32187 WICKSTEED,J.]  WILLIAM BLAKE'S JERUSALEM. Foreword by G.Keynes. Trianon Press. With illus,dust jacket,xvi+264pp,4to. 1953 7,800
32189 WILSON, M.]  THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Rupert Hart-Davis. dust jacket,xvii+425p. 1948 3,000
32190 WILSON,M.]  THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Cooper Square. xv+397pp,4to. 1969 4,500
32192 WITKE, J.]  WILLIAM BLAKE'S EPIC: Imagination Unbound. Croom Helm. dust jacket,viii+231pp. 1986 4,500
32194 WOLFREYS, J.]  WRITING LONDON: The Trace of the Urban Text from Blake to Dickens. Macmillan. dust jacket,xi+249pp. 1998 4,500
32196 WRIGHT, T.]  THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. 2 vols.set. London:Thomas Wright. With 135 illus,xx+168pp+192pp,4to. 1929 6,500
32197 WRIGHT, T.]  THE LIFE OF WILLIAM BLAKE. 2 vols.in One. Paul P.B.Minet. With 135 illus,xx+168pp+192pp,4to. 1972 3,500
32198 YOUNGQUIST, P.]  MADNESS AND BLAKE'S MYTH. Pennsylvania State UP. dust jacket,xi+194pp,large 8vo. 1989 4,500
32200 AUBREY, B.]  ENGLISH ROMANTIC POETRY: An Annotated Bibliography. Salem Press. ix+296pp,large 8vo. Essays on Blake, Coleridge, et al. 1991 3,000
32202 BRISMAN, L.]  ROMANTIC ORIGINS. Cornell UP. dust jacket,410pp. Essays on Blake, Keats, Shelley, Byron, Wordsworth. 1978 3,500
32203 CANTOR, P.A.]  CREATURE AND CREATOR: Myth-making and English Romanticism. Cambridge UP. d/j,xxi+223pp. Essays on Blake, et al. 1985 3,500
32206 COATES, P.]  WORDS AFTER SPEECH: A Comparative Study of Romanticism and Symbolism. Macmillan. d/j,xii+215pp. Essays on Blake, Dickinson, et al. 1986 3,500
32207 COHEN, M.]  ENGAGING ENGLISH ART: Entering the Work in Two Centuries of English Painting and Poetry. Alabama Press. With numerous illustrations, d/j,xiii+228pp, large 8vo. Essays on Blake, Rossetti, Hogarth, et al. 1987 2,500
32208 COLVILLE, D.]  VICTORIAN POETRY AND THE ROMANTIC RELIGION. New York Press. xiii+262pp. Essays on Blake,Keats,Carlyle,Shelley. 1970 2,500
32209 COOPER, A.M.]  DOUBT AND IDENTITY IN ROMANTIC POETRY. Yale UP. 233pp,large 8vo. Essays on Blake, Shelley, Byron, Milton, et al. 1988 2,500
32211 DAVIES, R.T./BEATTY, B.G.(Ed.)]  LITERATURE OF THE ROMANTIC PERIOD 1750-1850. Liverpool UP. d/j,xi+212pp. Essays on Blake, Coleridge,et al. 1980 1,500
32212 EDWARDS, T.R.]  IMAGINATION AND POWER. Chatto & Windus. dust jacket, 232pp. Essays on Blake, Shelley, Wordsworth, et al. 1971 2,500
32217 FRYE, N.]  MYTH AND METAPHOR: Selected Essays, 1974-1988. Ed.by R.D.Denham. UP.of Virginia. d/j,xviii+386pp,large 8vo. Essays on Blake. 1990 2,500
32218 GRIERSON, H.]  THE BACKGROUND OF ENGLISH LITERATURE. Chatto & Windus. dust jacket,ix+290pp. Essays on Blake, Gray, Byron, et al. 1962 1,500
32219 HALSTED, J.B.(Ed.)]  ROMANTICISM. Macmillan. vi+365pp,large 8vo. Essays on Blake, Wordsworth, Scott, et al. 1969 3,000
32220 HARDING, D.W.]  EXPERIENCE INTO WORDS: Essays on Poetry. Chatto & Windus. d/j,199pp. Essays on Blake, Eliot, Donne, et al. 1963 2,500
32222 HEPWORTH, B.]  THE RISE OF ROMANTICISM: Essential Texts. Carcanet. d/j,ix+363pp. Essays on Blake, Young, Gray, Coleridge,et al. 1978 3,500
32224 HONOUR, H.]  ROMANTICISM. Allen Lane. dust jacket,415pp,large 8vo,with numerous illustrations. Essays on Blake, Keats, et al. 1981 3,500
32225 KAPLAN, F.]  MIRACLES OF RARE DEVICE. Wayne State UP. dust jacket, 191pp. Essays on Blake, Byron, Coleridge, Browning, et al. 1972 2,500
32226 KEYNES, G.]  TO GEOFFREY KEYNES: Articles from The Book Collector to Commemorate His Eighty-fifth Birthday. The Book Collector. o/w. 1972 2,500
32227 MORSE, D.]  ROMANTICISM: A Structural Analysis. Macmillan. dust jacket, x+306pp. Essays on Blake, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley, Wordsworth, et al. 1982 2,500
32233 PUNTER, D.]  THE ROMANTIC UNCONSCIOUS: A Study in Narcissism and Patriarchy. Harvester Wheatsheaf. Essays on Blake, et al. d/j,200pp. 1989 2,500
32234 PURKIS,J.]  THE WORLD OF THE ENGLISH ROMANTIC POETS. Heinemann. With numerous illus,d/j,190pp,4to. Essays on Blake,H.Fusell,et al. 1982 2,500
32235 RAIMOND, J./ WATSON, J.R.(Ed.)]  A HANDBOOK TO ENGLISH ROMANTICISM. St.Martin's Press. d/j,xix+326pp. Essays on Blake, Burns, Byron, Coleridge, Chatterton, Wordsworth, et al. 1992 4,500
32237 RODWAY, A.]  THE ROMANTIC CONFLICT. Chatto & Windus. d/j,x+256pp. Essays on Keats, Blake, Shelley,et al. 1963 2,500
32239 RYAN, R.]  THE ROMANTIC REFORMATION: Religious politics in English Literature, 1789-1824. Cambridge UP. dust jacket,ix+292pp,large 8vo. Essays on Blake, et al. 1997 4,500
32240 SELINCOURT, E.de.]  OXFORD LECTURES ON POETRY. Clarendon Press. viii+256pp. Essays on Blake, Keats, Spenser, Wordsworth, et al. 1934 1,500
32242 STOREY, M.]  POETRY AND HUMOUR FROM COWPER TO CLOUGH. Macmillan. d/j,xii+192pp. Essays on Blake,Wordsworth,Cowper,et al. 1979 2,500
32243 STUART, S.]  NEW PHOENIX WINGS. Routledge & Kegan Paul. d/j,viii+189pp. Essays on Blake, Wordsworth, Eliot, et al. 1979 2,500
32246 WU, D.]  ROMANTICISM: A Critical Reader. Blackwell. xxvi+462pp,large 8vo. Essays on Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, et al. 1994 3,500
32247 WU, D.]  A COMPANION TO ROMANTICISM. Blackwell. d/j,xiv+549pp,4to. Essays on Blake, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, et al. 1998 4,500
32248 BLAKE CENTENARY EXHIBITION. London:Burlington Fine Arts Club. With 49 plates,half green calf,4to,a good copy. 1927 15,000
32249 THE BLAKE COLLECTION OF W.GRAHAM ROBERTSON. Described by the collector and ed,with an intro.by K.Preston. William Blake Trust. Faber. With 27 illustrations, dust jacket,259pp,4to. 1952 9,800
32250 WILLIAM BLAKE: Catalogue of the Preston Blake Library. Westminster City Libraries .o/w,4to. 1969 2,500
32251 WILLIAM BLAKE AND HIS CONTEMPORARIES: A Loan Exhibition in Aid of the Friends of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Wildenstein. p/b. 1986 2,500
32252 ブレイク全著作                全2巻  名古屋大学      梅津濟美訳  1990 Sold
32259 ブレイクの手紙                        八潮出版        梅津濟美訳  1970 4,800
32264 ブレイク論稿                          三省堂                山宮允  昭4  4,500
32267 ブレイクとセルト文學思想              研究社  限200箱   尾島庄太郎  昭8  8,500
32268 憂鬱と狂信−グレイの憂鬱とブレイクの狂信 新月社         加納秀夫 昭23 1,500
32269 ウィリアム・ブレイク「無心と経驗の歌」研究 中央図書  署名  小川二郎  昭50 7,500
32272 『ロゼッティ稿本』初期の詩            文化評論          小川二郎  昭47 6,500
32280 ウィリアム・ブレイク−無垢の歌・予言と神秘の書              牧神社  昭52 8,000
32290 ブレイク文献展示会出品目録            限350 カバー  法政大学英文学会  昭33 1,500
32291 ミュウズ 5巻1号 WILLIAM BLAKE                         アポロン社  昭2 7,500
32293 ウィリアム・ブレイク展                             国立西洋美術館編  1990 1,500
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